
2013 成大化工52 級全球聚會暨第九屆成大世界校友嘉年華會

2013年第九屆成大世界校友嘉年華將會由成大香港校友會承接籌劃, 並已定於 2013年11月2在香港九龍灣國際展貿中心舉行, 屆時就是2013年成大化工52級全球聚會。
1. 黎頌勳 2 [港澳]
2. 李武台 3 [星加坡]
3. 楊雨軒 1 [港澳]
4. 何冠雄 2 [美國]
5. 林身振 2 [台北]
6. 林金亮 3 [泰國]
7. 黄森一 6 [美國]
8. 黃福義 2 [台北](未克成行)
9. 鄭恆壽 2 [美國]
10.湯立恆 2[美國]
11.黄維傑 1[菲律賓]
12.張進義 1[美國]
13.吳禮全 4[美國](未克成行)
14.何瑞生 1[台北](未克成行)
15.陳清河 2[美國]
16.柯賢文 2[台北]
17.吳漢川 2[美國](未克成行)
18.廖懷福 1[台北](為克成行)
19.翁信二 2[台北]
20.鄭    元 2[美國]
這是成大化工52級畢業50年暨2013第九屆成大世界校友嘉年華會定於 20131029日~11月1日展開[香港美食之旅]活動。
第一天10/29 香港集合乘直巴經深圳®®高速往南海®®午餐《新派功夫湯,每客一壺》®®【南風古竈】(包入場,約1 小時,)®®【石灣公仔一條街】(約30 分鐘)®®返回酒店®®外出晚餐《健康茶皇宴》®®入住最新五星級標準佛山保利洲際酒店(絕無同級)(游泳、健身等。)(酒店旁有大
第二天10/30 酒店豐富自助早餐®®酒店自由活動®®11時離開酒店®®午餐《順德公炆鯇魚》®®【佛山祖廟】(包入場,約1小時。)®®【粵劇博物館】(約45分鐘)®®往順德®®晚餐《冰燒雞鬥大魚》®®入住順德華美達酒店(五星級標準)
第三天10/31 酒店豐富自助早餐®®酒店自由活動®®11時離開酒店®®午餐《順德拆魚羹宴》®®【碧江金樓】(包入場,約1小時)®®高速往中山®®返回酒店®®外出晚餐《人人有鴿宴》®®入住中山喜來登酒店(五星級標準)
第四天11/1 酒店豐富自助早餐®®酒店自由活動®®11時離開酒店®®午餐《中山地道宴》®®【中山南粵石文化博覽園】(包入場,約1小時)®®深圳®®返回香港送團(大約下午7時)
2013 第九屆成大世界校友嘉年華會 -行程
2013年第九屆成大世界校友嘉年華由成大香港校友會承接籌辦, 並已定於 2013年11月2日在香港九龍灣國際展貿中心舉行, 期待您撥冗蒞臨参加.
嘉年華大會活動行程 :
酒店報到, 自由觀光活動.
早上: 報到, 自由活動.
下午: 研討演講會; 系友會 - 九龍灣國際展貿中心
晚上: 嘉年華大會晚宴 - 九龍灣國際展貿中心宴會廳
美麗香港一日遊及歡送晚宴 (全日) :
暢遊港九名勝古跡, 欣賞著名港灣及太平山風景; 漫遊孫中山先生故居,
中午品嘗地道香港美食; 晚宴設於觀光遊船, 欣賞世界馳名的维多利亞海
(1) 甘肅蘭州線 -絲綢之路5天遊:
敦煌莫高石窟; 乘駱駝遊嗚沙山; 麥積山石窟; 萬里長城西端
(2) 西安--洛陽線 7天遊:
(西安)入城儀式; 兵馬俑; 秦皇陵; 大唐芙蓉園等.
( 洛陽 ) 十三朝古都; 龍門石窟; 白馬寺; 開封府; 少林寺等.
2013年11月8日及 11月10日
旅行團先後返回香港, 全部行程结束, 校友自由停留香港活動或自行安排回歸.
2013成大世界校友嘉年華會籌備委員會 敬啟
通訊處: 香港上環文咸東街65-67號喜利商業大廈7樓A座
Mailing address: Block A, 7/F. Hillier Comm. Bldg., 65-67 Bonham Strand East, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2542 2770 Fax: (852) 2581 0472 E-mail: nckucarnival@gmail.com
Web-site: http://nckucarnival.wordpress.com

yc2013-09-30 02:26:00 回應


很抱歉我和內人不克參加今年化工52級的盛會. 吾兄幾個月來為這次同學會不辭辛苦盡心盡力鉅細靡遺為我們同學服 務;我真的很感謝你佩服你!
在此我也祝福有幸能參加同學會的旅途平安愉快, 不能參加的後會有期!


yc2013-03-07 12:31:29 回應
With 鄭元 jointing us, the total number now increased to 43.

yc2013-03-07 12:27:09 回應
我們已有美食之旅的聚会, 我想在香港嘉年华的系友会就大可不必召开了,还不如趁机到大会“ 香港一日游”没包括的地方玩玩。各位意下如何?

yc2013-03-05 17:46:45 回應

因為要配合嘉年華會及我們班珠三角美食之旅,在香港住宿要分開兩個時間段, 連日來通過香港校友會與Regal Hotel達成以下預定酒店安排;
1.     Check-in: 十月廾七日或廾八日
        Check-out: 十月廾九日 (該日開始珠三角之旅, 詳情参照獨立資料)
2.  Check-in: 十一月一日
    Check-out : 十一月三日 (祗参加校友嘉年華晚宴十一月二日活動者)
    Check-out: 十一月四日 (参加大會安排的美麗香港一日遊及歡送晚會或私人活動者)
  Note #1  請注意因第一時段在廣州秋季貿易會期間, 所以價格比較高(請参以下相連電郵)且房間需求緊張

a, 選定酒店(己多人選Regal Oriental Hotel)
b. 選定房間人數(注明是否需早餐)
c. 選定兩時間段Check-in 及 Check-out 日期
d. 提供信用卡資料 (何種卡, 性名,卡號及有效期) 以確定房間

yc2013-03-05 13:48:22 回應

You no need to book hotel during the Tour period as the price will include hotels, meals, visit points entering fee and HK100.000 travel insurance covered. 
You just need to book hotel when you staying in Hong Kong which is one day before the tour starts on 29/10/2013 and other booking for the Alumni Carnival starting from 01/11/2013 for 2-3 nights depends on which activities you may join. 
Our Class 52 Tour period is between 29/10/2013 to 01/11/2013 (about 6pm return to Hong Kong).
The attached file is the original Tour Itinerary, and this will be updating and fine tone in the coming days. We will inform everyone the estimated price once available.
Frank Lai  
scl2013-03-04 01:02:27 回應

Dear All Classmates,
We are planning to have a short trip tour at Peal River Delta area for our 52 Classmates during you coming to Hong Kong for attending 2013 NCKU Alumni Meeting. In order not to clash with the major activities, we have scheduled the program as follows:
1.   October 28th 2013 arrival Hong Kong
        Please book one night hotel thru Cheng Kung University Alumni Association H.K. (國立成功大學香港校友會)
2. October 29th 2013 Peal River Delta Tour starts
        Chartered bus will pick up all classmates from hotel
3. November 1st 2013 Tour completed
        Chartered bus will send all classmates back to hotel
4. November 2nd 2013 onward Alumni Carnival program to be organized by NCKU Alumni Association of Hong Kong. For details, please refer to the following link:
http://nckucarnival.wordpress. com/
For the Peal River Delta Tour, detail as follows:
A. Organizer for this Tour: Frank Lai (黎頌勳)
B. Tour period : October 29th-November 1st 2013, total three nights/four days
C. Program of the Tour : Refer to the attachment (Will be fine tone coming days)
D. Maximum participants of the tour : 45 (up to now 24 persons registered)
E. Up-to-date temporary participants : Refer to the attachment (This will updated currently). We wish you can join us this time
F. Class 52 Address Book : Refer to the attachment (This will be updated currently)     
G.. Price of the Tour : To be informed once available
Please email to me or inform Gregory Cheng 鄭恆壽 (For US/Canada) and 翁信二(For Taiwan area)

Frank Lai (黎頌勳)

yc2013-03-03 03:37:36 回應

yc2013-03-03 03:27:35 回應
With 翁信二 and 廖懷福 joining us, the total number increase to 41.

yc2013-02-25 13:10:35 回應
With 吳漢川 joining us, the total number is increasing to 38

yc2013-02-25 13:09:46 回應

 With 柯賢文 joining us, the total number now increased to 36. 
 何冠雄 already booked hotel (Regal Oriental Hotel) for October 27-29 and November 1-4

scl2013-01-21 01:23:02 回應

scl2013-01-21 01:20:29 回應

yc2013-01-18 16:22:37 回應

Thank you very much for your information in regards to our 52 classmates  Peal River Della Tour on Oct 28-Nov 1 2013.  Please register a total of four for me (include two of my sisters in law).  currently we were in Taipei to visit our family until Feb.14.  If you have any question, I can be reached at 27523572;
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Richard Li-chuan Wu 

scl2013-01-12 02:13:10 回應

Dear Jeff,
Happy birthday to you.

Good to know you will join us like our old days in Thailand and Singapore

Frank Lai

scl2013-01-11 04:02:57 回應
scl2013-01-11 04:02:12 回應

Thanks for the information.  Please include me.
Today happens to be my birthday.  My birthday wish is to see my dear friends in Hong Kong.  For your information, I might be also welcomed by my best man who is a current University President in Hong Kong.
Wish you successful.

scl2013-01-10 17:20:24 回應



scl2013-01-10 04:46:10 回應


scl2013-01-03 07:29:41 回應

Nice to talk to you today, and know your telephone has been changed the area code to (858)-793-6095.<BR>As promised, please find the attachments regarding the updated Class 52 Address Book and our planning additional activities for 2013 in Hong Kong. From the Address Book you can find out&nbsp; 張慕峰's telephone and other information as well. He is living very close to your area.<BR>For the major activities please refer to the following link: <BR><A href="http://nckucarnival.wordpress.com/">http://nckucarnival.wordpress.com/</A>
Frank Lai

scl2013-01-01 08:33:49 回應

黎頌勳 2
李武台 3
楊雨軒 1
何冠雄 2
林身振 2
林金亮 3
黄森一 6
鄭恆壽 2
湯立恆 2
黄維傑 1

scl2012-12-28 04:52:30 回應


scl2012-12-28 04:51:14 回應


scl2012-12-28 04:49:42 回應

Dear Mo Fung and 鄭元,
As per our telephone conversation today, please find the following link and the attachments for the activities in Hong Kong next year.
scl2012-12-28 04:46:49 回應

Nice to talk to you today and I just finished the talking with 黄維傑also he is willing to join us next year. Please refer to the following link to find out the major activities and schedule for
- http://nckucarnival.files.wordpress.com
The attachments are including the additional program for our classmates, up-to-date participants name list and updated class 52 address book. These three documents will be review and make amendment when it is needed.
We need to find out how many classmates are going to join the tour to   甘肅蘭州線 -絲綢之路 5 天遊: or 西安--洛陽線 7 天遊 before we decide our own program should be put before or after the major activities in Hong Kong. 
I will give call to 翁信二 to find out what is the progress in Taiwan.
Please keep contact with me.
Frank Lai
scl2012-12-17 03:24:03 回應

Dear Patrick,
You are most welcome to join us. I suggest our trip starting from Nov 4th, 2013 just follow the completion of the main activities in Hong Kong. Attached please find the preliminary itinerary and 52 Class Participants Table for you reference.  These two attachments will be under our review and adjustment when it is needed. Will keep you inform.
P.S. : Dear Shen Cheng - Please forward the attachments to other persons as I don't have all email addresses. Thanks.
Frank Lai

scl2012-12-16 13:25:06 回應

Hello Chi-Che & Frank,
My wife, Pauline & I are interested in joining the 52 class reunion trip to China in 2013.
Let me know the details when available.
Best regards,
Patrick Hoh

yc2012-12-16 13:19:48 回應

yc2012-12-16 13:18:14 回應
1. Yeung Yue Hin (Chinese name :楊雨軒), he is in Hong Kong and will join
> us during this trip.
> 2. According to my friends and myself experiences, this company can be
> trusted.
> 3. For the following program, we may need to fine tune to meet our
> requirement.
> 4. Regarding the final price, we need to wait until 2nd half (August)
> of 2013. However, based on the pass experiences, they always give very
> good price and high quality standard trip.
>     Most important is to have over 40 persons to this trip in order to
> have a better price.
> I wish you to be an organiser for the 2013 (52 Class) meeting in Hong Kong.
> Regards
> Frank Lai
scl2012-11-13 17:30:08 回應

