


Thanks sending me very valuable slides 臺灣 -- 光陰隧道 ~. Lots of collections and lots of memories! One of the slides: 蘇澳冷泉那姆內汽水 refreshes my memory. I drank many bottles of 蘇澳 7-Up, when I was a boy!

I went back Su-Ao last December and collected two bottles of water and brought back US. Cytec Stamford Lab will run the ICP analysis for two samples. A Comprehensive metal analysis. Scenic Spot A is light yellowish color (clear water) and Scenic Spot B is clear water but gaseous bubbling from the bottom from the spring bath as usual. Both attached photos.

Lots of people died in bathing in the cold spring water during the past many years for unknown reasons and do not know why? No reports in lit or refrs said anything. People like to bath in the cold spring to enjoy staying very long because body can gradually feel warmer and very comfortable. If one stays very long in spring, one is unaware of a high possibility to breathe too much CO2 or SO2 from spring and becomes unconscious and drowned.

I did lit. science finder search and I plan to write an article in Chinese language this year let people be aware of the potential danger bathing in cold spring water.

